Once our work is complete, we will perform electricity consumption testing to estimate the savings you can expect.

Pure Blue Energy


Air is expensive to condition:  we Keep it where you want it 

Highly Trained Technicians use Blower Doors and Duct Blasters to determine source of air leakage

It's all about saving  Electricity  


Over time, even the best cared for doors, windows and ductwork get leaky causing loss of air conditioning and heating. The average home in America loses 53% of its energy through air leaks. Our work brings your home as close to ideal air flow & air loss conditions as possible. Our technicians will place sophisticated diagnostic equipment to determine the amount and areas of air leakage. We use our test results to  seal the structure, then re-test.

GOOD NEWS!  In MANY cases our services are ENTIRELY funded by a utility company. This is on a property by property basis and is seasonal. Please contact us so we can determine if your property qualifies for the program. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can reserve funding for your project. 

First Star Energy

Duct Sealing:   We apply a mastic sealing product or reinforced heavy duty butyl based tape

Windows & Doors:  We install new weather stripping and in some cases new windows.

Interior & Exterior Cracks:  We apply long term high grade caulking.

Insulation:  We may recommend additional insulation and will install as needed.